Save the Date for our 5th Annual Conference
March 7, 2020 at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute 1950 Richmond Road Lyndhurst, Ohio
Saturday, March 7, 2020 TIME 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Pending Approval: 6.75 CEUs for RN
Pending Approval 6.75 CEUs for RD
We, women, hold many titles in our lives: mother, professional, spouse, community leader, coach, and partner, to name a few. For a variety of reasons both cultural and biological, most of us also, at some point in our busy lives, add the role of caretaker and caregiver to those around us. Thus, we are uniquely positioned to transform the health of not only ourselves but of our families and our communities.
The fifth annual Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cancer Conference for Women will arm you with the evidence-based research and practical know-how needed to do just that: transform your own life and the lives of those you love and care for.
Jane Esselstyn, RN has assembled a roster of the country’s leading doctors and researchers whose direct work is disease prevention through nutrition. These experts all agree that the answer to protecting the health of your heart and body is not going to come in the shape of a pill, procedure, or technological breakthrough, but from the grocery cart, the garden, and the end of the fork. The shared goal of the event is to educate participants about the power of plant-based prevention via presentations, lectures, cooking demos, a delicious lunch, honest dialogue, and Q and A panel.
Jane is no stranger to plant-based nutrition and disease prevention.She is an author, researcher, mother, wife, registered nurse, teacher, and plant-based recipe creator. Jane and her mother, Ann Crile Esselstyn, co-authored the popular The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook, a companion to the book authored by her father, noted physician Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD, author of the NY Times bestseller Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Jane and Ann also host a YouTube channel filled with simple, clear whole food, plant-based recipes.
This day-long seminar will include a delicious, plant-based lunch with a menu designed by Jane Esselstyn and the culinary team from Cleveland Vegan. There will be door prizes, raffles, goodie bags, dancing, take-home tips and tricks, and opportunities for one-on-one conversations with the presenters. In the end, the power to change your health is yours. You are sitting in the driver’s seat with the controls in your hands: the fork, knife, and spoon. We want you to walk away with a head and heart filled with action steps!
Anyone is welcome to attend this conference — as all will benefit from this timely information about this approach to healthy living that will empower all to become plant-based, self-care warriors! We want to see YOU at this event!